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8 Benefits of Sperm for The Woman's Health

As we know the sperm is a fluid figure that could produce a child or a fetus or recently living organisms. There is a proverb that says "we are born from goods low and unclean, that's called sperm". But sperm that we are born into the world. Not only a man can produce sperm. Animals can be as human beings. But we will discuss this time is the male sperm.
Male sperm benefits for the health of a woman's body are:

1. Nutrition
We know that the body is in need nutrients to survive. We can obtain them in vegetables, fruits, and milk. But what if the nutrients contained in the sperm?
In the sperm there are a lot of nutrients including zinc, potassium, water, acids, ascorbic, citric acid, enzymes, etc.

2. Low Calorie
As we know, Calorie was generated by the food that can be used as energy. But what if our excess calories? Just as we know that women fear fat. So do not worry with this sperm obese women would not like to imagine, because the first sperm spoon scoop = 20 calories. 

3. Anti Depressants
Modern society is certainly a lot of stress or even depression. Many factors that influence it. Among the factors employment, environmental, and coworkers that are difficult to understand. In the sperm contains Sphermophagia which serves as an anti-depressant that can change the mood of gloomy be cheerful.

4. Preventing Breast Cancer
This disease is a disease that is classified as malignant and deadly. Vicious disease second only to cervical cancer is the disease most feared by women. Breast merupakna vital organs for humans. It could even be referred to as organs of female characteristics. If you do not have can not be called a woman's breast. Sperm is great for women especially for mothers to breastfeed.

5. Good For Skin Health
Annoying pimples can also be chased away by the male sperm. The skin is an organ for a woman who can seduce men lust. What if the woman's skin rough and dirty full of germs? This solution, in the sperm contains a substance called Spermidine that serves to protect the cells from damage and slow the aging process.

6. Preventing Tooth Decay
Tooth is an organ for chewing, biting and so forth.
Do you want your teeth look rotten prematurely? Sperm contains enzymes that are good for the teeth because it can strengthen the tooth and increase the life of the tooth.

7. Preventing Diabetes
Diabetes is a deadly disease worldwide. her key traits such as lack of fluids in the body so that a lot of drinking and a lot of piss. To overcome the lack of fluids in the body, the sperm contains enough water to prevent the disease. Because in the sperm contains Fructose and sugar digestive acids that are good for preventing diabetes.

8. Enhance Immune Body
Everyone wants a healthy and strong body. For that the body's immune should be maintained by means of healthy living and eating fruits, vegetables and milk. It also can be obtained via the sperm. Magnesium in the sperm are excellent for bone health.

Thanks for sneak a peak
Hopefully Benefit


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